Kiln dried firewood – Your Questions Answered

For years now, we at Fence Fix have provided our clients with the highest standard of kiln-dried firewood. This type of wood is probably the best solution for solid fuel burners like open fires and stoves.

Since we have provided this type of wood for so long, we have heard almost every question on Kiln Dried Firewood. To make this information easier for people to find, we have gathered the most common questions below.


What is kiln dried firewood?

Kiln-dried firewood has been dried in a special kiln or oven to reduce its moisture content to a specific level. The process involves placing the firewood in a kiln and heating it to a high temperature for several hours. This process removes moisture from the wood, making it more efficient for burning and reducing the risk of smoke and creosote buildup in chimneys and flues.

Kiln-dried firewood typically has a moisture content of less than 20%, compared to air-dried firewood which can have a moisture content of up to 50%. The lower moisture content of kiln-dried firewood means it burns hotter and produces more heat with less smoke and ash. It also makes it easier to light and reduces the risk of mould or insects that can thrive in damp wood.

Kiln-dried firewood is considered a premium and often more expensive than air-dried firewood. However, its benefits make it a popular choice for those who want a more efficient and cleaner burning firewood for heating their homes or for use in outdoor fire pits or stoves.

How is firewood kiln dried?

Kiln drying firewood involves placing the wood in a large oven or kiln and heating it to a high temperature to remove moisture. The process typically involves the following steps:

Harvesting: The first step is to harvest the wood and cut it into manageable sizes. The wood is typically cut into logs of 16-18 inches in length to fit inside the kiln.

Stacking: The wood is stacked inside the kiln with space between each piece for proper airflow. The stacks are usually covered with a tarp or plastic sheet to prevent moisture from entering the kiln.

Drying: The kiln is heated to a high temperature, usually around 140-160°F (60-70°C). The temperature is maintained for several days or weeks, depending on the size and moisture content of the wood. The moisture is slowly drawn out of the wood and continually monitored to ensure that it doesn't over-dry or catch fire.

Cooling: Once the wood has reached the desired moisture content, the kiln is cooled down, and the wood is removed. The wood is then stacked and left to cool before it is packaged for sale.

Kiln drying firewood requires specialized equipment and expertise to ensure the process is done safely and efficiently. It also requires a significant amount of energy, so kiln-dried firewood is usually more expensive than air-dried firewood. However, the benefits of kiln-dried firewood, such as its low moisture content and efficient burning, make it a popular choice for many homeowners and businesses.

What happens if kiln-dried firewood gets wet?

Kiln-dried firewood has a low moisture content, typically around 20% or less, which makes it less prone to mould, insects, and rot. However, if kiln-dried firewood gets wet, it can absorb moisture and increase its moisture content, affecting its performance.

If kiln-dried firewood gets wet, it may not burn as efficiently as dry wood. The extra moisture can make it harder to light, produce more smoke, and create more creosote buildup in chimneys and flues. Wet wood can also cause corrosion to wood-burning appliances and may release harmful pollutants into the air.

To prevent kiln-dried firewood from getting wet, it should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated area, such as a woodshed or covered porch. It should be kept off the ground and away from moisture sources, such as sprinklers or rain. If the wood does get wet, it should be allowed to dry thoroughly before using it to prevent any adverse effects.

In summary, kiln-dried firewood is less likely to be affected by moisture than air-dried firewood, but it can still be affected if wet. To ensure optimal performance, it is best to store kiln-dried firewood in a dry and well-ventilated area and to protect it from moisture sources.

If you have more questions on Kiln Dried Firewood, please get in touch with us today to place an order.



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